Internet of Things and a Farm: Once upon a time...


3 min read

Internet of Things and a Farm: Once upon a time...

In a highland area of East Africa, a junior software developer embarked on an experiment using IoT in a local mixed farm, focusing on the poultry house as a pilot program. The project aimed to enhance environmental monitoring and management for improved poultry health and productivity.

Understanding IoT and Farming

Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the network of interconnected devices that collect and exchange data over the internet, enabling remote monitoring and control of various systems. In the context of farming, IoT allows for real-time monitoring of environmental parameters crucial for animal welfare, such as temperature, humidity, and air quality; control can extend to devices like fans, feeders and others of interest. This technology empowers farmers to make data-driven decisions, optimize resource usage, and enhance overall farm efficiency.

Overview of Series

In this project, I strategically planned the IoT setup using a Raspberry Pi, a versatile microcomputer ideal for IoT applications. Despite the challenge of poor cellular connectivity in the remote farm, the developer leveraged the stronger Wi-Fi signal near the residential house to establish connectivity for the IoT devices. By strategically siting the Raspberry Pi and sensors closer to the residential area, reliable data transmission and monitoring were ensured.

As the project progresses and matures for Phase 1, this article will be updated. Enjoy!

The Struggle: Overcoming Connectivity Challenges

Navigating the rugged terrain and limited connectivity posed a formidable challenge. With poor cellular reception in the remote farm, establishing a reliable Wi-Fi connection for IoT devices seemed like an insurmountable task. Yet, amidst the frustration and setbacks, I found inspiration in the resilience of nature surrounding me, fueling my determination to forge ahead.

The Beauty: Unveiling the Potential of IoT

Amidst the verdant hills and vibrant life of the farm, the beauty of IoT technology began to unfold. Each sensor deployed in the poultry house became a conduit for capturing the essence of farm life โ€“ from the gentle hum of automated systems, through to the adlibs from rowdy chicken to the intricate dance of data points painting a vivid picture of environmental conditions. The beauty lay not only in the technology itself but in the harmony it brought to farm management.

The Pain: Lessons Learned Through Challenges

The journey was not without its moments of pain and introspection. From fine-tuning components, to getting both management and the rural community on it , each obstacle served as a crucible for growth. The pain of setbacks transformed into valuable lessons, fortifying my resolve to innovate amidst adversity.

The Pleasure: Reveling in Discoveries and Successes

Amidst the trials and tribulations, moments of pleasure emerged like rays of sunlight piercing through storm clouds. Each successful data transmission, every insight gleaned from real-time monitoring, and every improvement in poultry health brought a sense of fulfillment that transcended mere technical achievement. I could talk about this for a day chowing down some eggs.

Reflecting on the Journey

In documenting this personal chronicle of IoT in poultry farming, I am reminded that innovation is not merely about technological advancement but about embracing the human experience embedded within each endeavor. The struggle, beauty, pain, and pleasure intertwined throughout this journey have sculpted me into a more resilient and empathetic person, eager to continue exploring the boundless possibilities that IoT technology offers.
