#100DaysOfCode: Day 0 - 13

A Quick Recollection

#100DaysOfCode: Day 0 - 13

⚡I've been experimenting with vanilla Javascript through a Battle Game project, where 2 players fight on a 2D stage. It involved manipulating a div box (stage) and creating elements from where I added the game mechanics. It is a fun project inspired by @chriscourses - Twitter | Chris Courses - JavaScript Fighting Game Tutorial with HTML Canvas on YouTube. The project uses HTML 5, CSS 3 and vanilla Javascript.

⚡I've patiently played around with different Javascript concepts for DOM manipulation and gone back to the tricky bits from when I first learnt coding to fine-tune my front-end components. This week, I focused on classes with sub-classes, better parameter passing for functions, and using sprites (graphics for the game) and Object.js to handle specific variable behaviour. I was also interested in binding types for this keyword (call, bind and apply) and ES6 features. This week, I aim to wrap up vanilla Javascript by working with asynchronous features and APIs.

🚀 Stay updated to check out how I will improve the game and add my own twist to it!